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We build bridges from
web2 to web3

Decentralized Infrastructure Provider.

Full-Stack Consultancy.

Private | Public | Protocols

About Us

We deploy both infrastructure and capital rapidly, purposefully, and creatively.


Named in deference to the speed of light, 186,000 (180K) miles per second, the 186Kapital Group takes full advantage of the speed and composability of web3, coupled with existing advantages of web2 at scale.


The Group operates at the frontier of financial markets and technology, bringing multi-industry best practices to solve tough problems at speed.


We support a wide range of web3 projects, from infrastructure to governance, and everything in between.


We are passionate about helping build the next generation of the internet. We share a common vision of delivering stakeholder value to all the projects we take on. With web3, we have the chance to reimagine how we contribute to our shared future. 

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